Search found 128 matches

by oMega Support
29 Dec 2023 21:47
Forum: oMega Commander Suggestions
Topic: good idea
Replies: 1
Views: 18644

Re: good idea

This is really a good idea.

If anyone has specific ideas, you can list what can be added to the context menu here. ;)
by oMega Support
29 Dec 2023 21:32
Forum: oMega Commander Bugs / Errors
Topic: I found the error when replacing Explorer.
Replies: 1
Views: 15482

Re: I found the error when replacing Explorer.

Could you write in more detail how and when this error occurs?
by oMega Support
20 Nov 2023 19:50
Forum: Общие вопросы
Topic: Вопрос по настройке вида интерфейса
Replies: 1
Views: 20627

Re: Вопрос по настройке вида интерфейса

Нет, сейчас такой возможности нет.

Можно только уменьшить размер шрифта самих надписей на кнопках (Ctrl+Колесо мыши), тогда будет влезать чуть больше.
by oMega Support
02 Aug 2023 13:16
Forum: Общие вопросы
Topic: изменить приложение терминала по умолчанию
Replies: 1
Views: 14722

Re: изменить приложение терминала по умолчанию

Вы можете сделать вызов нужного вам приложения по горячей клавише. Горячую клавишу можно задать в том числе стандартную, например Ctrl+O или Ctrl+~, тогда они перекроют стандартный вызов cmd. Один из вариантов как это сделать: 1) Перетащите ваше приложение на ленту, в любое свободное место. На ленте...
by oMega Support
02 Aug 2023 12:56
Forum: General
Topic: Is there documentation for a list of all shortcuts ?
Replies: 1
Views: 35837

Re: Is there documentation for a list of all shortcuts ?

To display the list of hotkeys, you can simply press F1 . In Help, hotkeys are immediately displayed and are divided into dozens of sections. You can also open the same Help online: Move file from left pane to right pane F6 for movin...
by oMega Support
07 Jul 2023 12:12
Forum: General
Topic: Show file extensions at end of file names instead of in their own column?
Replies: 1
Views: 12260

Re: Show file extensions at end of file names instead of in their own column?

Unfortunately at the moment it’s not possible to show the file name together with its extension.
You will see this feature as well as many other improvements in the next application version.
by oMega Support
07 Jul 2023 12:11
Forum: General
Topic: See file Properties in info panel?
Replies: 1
Views: 11852

Re: See file Properties in info panel?

Unfortunately, the feature is currently unavailable. However, we appreciate your valuable suggestions! We will definitely consider them while working on future versions. Currently, apart from accessing the Properties menu, you can also: Press Alt+Enter. Another option is to hover the mouse pointer o...
by oMega Support
18 Apr 2023 21:45
Forum: General
Topic: create date in the filelist
Replies: 1
Views: 12970

Re: create date in the filelist

At the moment, there is no such possibility yet. Creation Date isn't available for a column. But you can get creation date by pressing Alt+Enter on a file.
by oMega Support
01 Mar 2023 18:46
Forum: Общие вопросы
Topic: Обновления
Replies: 12
Views: 32730

Re: Обновления

Определенной даты выпуска пока нет. Тем не мене усиленная работа продолжается, чтобы приблизить этот день. Новая версия будет большим обновлением. Можно определенно сказать, что эта версия самая сложная в реализации из всего, что до сих пор выпускалось нами. И эти изменения будут существенны. А боль...
by oMega Support
25 Feb 2023 14:41
Forum: General
Topic: How can I make OMega my default archive program
Replies: 2
Views: 13135

Re: How can I make OMega my default archive program

That used to be easier until Windows 10. The idea is that oMega Commander can navigate to a folder or file without opening or editing it, if the path ends with '<' character. After adding a file association, the Registry used to contain a line like: "C:\Program Files\oMega Commander\oMega64.exe" "%1...